Tanner's Wedding

Originally Posted 7/19/24

Event Date 7/12/24

A photo of a bride (Ali) and groom (Tanner) standing in front of an old house. The bride is in a flowing white Dress while the groom is in a grey three piece suit with a purple tie. The bride is holding a bouqet of flowers. There are some flowers blossoming near the bride

They got married! And it was such a beautiful wedding! Everything went great and it was fantastic for me to be apart of. This is the first wedding party I've been in, and so it was really cool to see everything that went on, and get to be apart of my friends big day!

The wedding was on a Friday and so we headed down on Thursday to get checked into the hotel, as well as pick up some friends from the train station who were also going to the wedding. We all kind of relaxed for a bit before heading out to the rehersal and rehersal dinner. Both went really well and it was nice getting to hang out with everyone in the wedding party for a bit! After dinner we all headed back to the hotels and went to sleep for the next day. I personally was pretty glad to go to sleep early as I was still exhasuted from the flooding the day before.

On the day of the wedding, Michelle and I went for a walk in the morning! Some of my friends and I have started a "competition" with each other to do 3 hours of additional physical activity a week, and I hadn't had time to do much earlier in the week, so was banging out a lot that morning.

Map of walk. It shows the walk took an hour and 20 minutes, and that it was 3.63 miles long Photo of a paved trail through trees, with a woman in a pink shirt on the left side of the image looking towards the right side of the image Photo looking at a Genearl Electric plant, which is through some woods and across a highway from where the photo is taken Photo of a yellow metalic building that has a fence going around it. The number 271 is towards the top of the building, and there is barb wiring on the top of the fence

The walk was a lot of fun! A bit hot, but nice to get out and about! Michelle and I went back to the hotel, showered, and then it was time to head out to get some lunch before getting dressed for the wedding. We went to this place called Druthers:

Photo of the front of a building that says Druthers

The meal ended up being good! The place was pretty interesting as it was a brewery I believe and the area around it was still under development. So it was interesting looking around at some really pretty views and then some very under construction views.

photo of two brothers looking excited in the lobby of the Druthers restaurant Photo of a man sitting outside at a restaurant table looking over a menu photo of a hamburger and fries

After getting some food, we headed back to Tanner's (The Grooms) hotel to get dressed and wait for the photographer to show up!

photo of four men in suits in a hotel room looking around for something Picture of four men in suits in a parking lot

After the hotel, it was time to head to the venue and wait some more! We had to chill for a bit waiting for the bride to arrive, as well as eventually guests.

Photo of a man on a dotted couch with another man sitting in a solo chair next to him, looking at the man on the couch A selfie of two men and as well as a picture of three men sitting one on a couch, and two in individual chairs A photo of a man in a chair and a man standing, laughing A photo of a man sitting in a chair, legs spread out, who looks to be in the middle of explaining something

Once the wedding was underway we had a blast! A lot of fun getting to dance around, hang out with friends, and overall a beautiful wedding! Congratulations Tanner and Ali, and I wish you the best of luck for all your adventures ahead!

A photo of a man walking down an aisle in a suit A photo of a man in a grey three piece suit walking down an aisle between rows of people with a woman who is in a purple dress Two men approaching a table with drinks in their hands