Camp Snap Camera

Originally Posted 2/18/24. Updated 8/7/24.

a picture of the Camp Snap Camera. it looks like a disposable camera, with a rectangular body and simple lens and viewfinder

Quick Info

Price: $65

Where to Buy: Camp Snap's Website

Quick Summary: A reusable digital camera that mimics the photo quality of a disposable camera

In Depth

The easiest way to describe this camera would be a disposable camera that's not disposable. The quality of photos you can expect would be that of a disposable camera, however you can recharge it via USB-C, and it takes a microSD card. Their website calls it a TF Card, but as far as I can tell they're the same thing.

I think the idea behind this camera is it's something you can give your kids when they go off to summer camp. Rather than buying a disposable camera, you buy this which can be reused year after year. It doesn't have a way to view the photos on the camera itself, and instead only has a digital counter of how many photos you've taken. This allows your kids to still be able to take photos without needing a phone, as well as there's less ewaste given it's reusable.

I personally think though this is also just a nice little camera to have on you when going places. Yes, my phone can take way better photos, however there's something nice about having a dedicated little camera and not having to even see what else is going on on my phone. One thing my girlfriend likes too is because there's no way to see how well a shot came out on the camera itself, you can't really get worried about getting "the perfect shot". With a phone, you could take a photo, look at it and decide you don't like it, take it again, and repeat. But with this you just... take the photo and hope for the best.

Some Sample Photos

Woman looking at taxidermy animals down a long hallway

Outside shot of a church with pointed steeple around dusk. It's across the street from where the shot is taken, with brick buildings on either side of it

Outside shot of some signs that are promoting the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium in St. Johnsbury Vermont. One says "Be Amazed" and shows the stars, the other says "Be Intrigued" and shows a butterfly

Inside shot of two multi-colored beach balloons floating in the air, with a woman staring at them from across a table

Inside shot of woman looking at a taxidermy moose behind glass

If you want more Sample Photos, most of the photos in my Pennsylvania Trip post are from the Camp Snap camera.


There's not really much for me to say on this product, as I think the idea of a disposable camera is pretty well understood. As you can see from the photos above, it doesn't take the most high quality photos, but I think the ones it does take are pretty charming and nostalgic. I really just wanted to make this post because I think it's a cool product and I thought others might think it's cool too. Let me know your thoughts below, or feel free to email me at