Baldurs Gate 3

Originally Posted 1/07/24

image from the boxart for Baldurs Gate 3 showing a couple of the main characters as well as a flying ship being attacked by dragons

Brief Overview

Quick Overview

If you're even remotely interested in Role Playing Games (RPGs), this is an immediate buy. If you like DnD, this is an immediate buy. If you like good story telling, this is an immediate buy. The only limiting factor for who should play this game, I think, is the hardware requirements.

In Depth Review

I'm going to try to keep this section short to avoid spoilers, and I don't think I have much to add that hasn't been said by other reviewers with this game. The long and short of it is, if this game interests you even tiny bit, I think you'll be happy with this game. The biggest thing like I said is hardware requirements. It does not seem to play well on the Steam Deck (or, to a level I would like), and so computers comparable (or lower) will have a difficult time running this game.

For those unfamiliar, this game is a turn based role playing game. You'll be making your way through many locations, completing quests, making friends, progressing relationships, and battling. It uses the DnD system for everything, though there are a few tweaks here and there to make the game better fitted for a video game.

The game itself is immense. There is so much to do. I put in 74 hours on my main play through, and I didn't hit everything. Act 3 in particular has so much content, I ended up stopping myself from exploring all of it because I wanted to beat the game. I'm already looking forward to another play through to try out some different options, and seeing how things work out. I kind of forced myself to stick with one character to beat the game first, before trying out other characters, but man there are so many combinations of things to do or people to play as. And modding makes that amount even greater.

Honestly, pretty much whatever I wanted to do in the game there was an option for. It was more notable and shocking when there weren't options for exactly what I wanted to do, because of how rare they were. I also really loved all the characters. Even the ones I disliked I felt like had, at the least, a story I cared about or made me interested to learn more about them.

In the game, you control up to 3 other companions. I was a bit worried about having to learn everyone's abilities and what to do with them in combat, but honestly it was easier than I thought. Outside of miscellaneous bugs or nit picks, I really don't have anything negative to say about this game. I think they absolutely knocked it out of the park.


From a cost to play time perspective, this game is an extremely easy recommendation. So far, it's cost less than a dollar per hour I've played it, and I want to do at least another play through, maybe more with friends. With how customizable everything is, and how much there is to do in the game, I think almost anyone will find something they enjoy out of this game.