This page is going to have random links and stuff I think is cool, and want to share, but I don't think need a whole post about them.


Spotify Wrapped


Random Links

Other People's Websites

These are either going to be people I've found on social media whose sites I follow, or just sites I think are neat!

Website Buttons

If you don't know, Website Buttons are sort of a fun way to link to other websites you like. From what I've seen they're often in the 88x31 pixel format.


The Animated Moose part made by: Shalmons

Gif of a drawing of a Moose moving its head up and down to eat some grass. Next to it are the words 'Tanzi-Media Blogs & Tech Posts Gif of a drawing of a Moose moving its head up and down to eat some grass. There are clouds moving in the background behind it


creature feature button button featuring the face of a Corvid for the website button featuring a seaside landscape that says ocean waves. For the website Orchidrabbit's Clown Town A digitally drawn green rectangle with a  moose on it. It says the words 'Virtual Moose' a pinkish red rectangle with the words Cohost highway on it Digital icon that has the icon of a person with blue hair on one side, as well as the words 'House of Nettles' and a leaf animated gif of the word 'what' flashing beetween blue text with a green background, and yellow text with a blue background a digital drawing that shows a frog on the right side, and text reading 'kuchaibee clubhouse' on the left side. digital drawing of a spinning glyph with the words 'kaydes study' A night sky image with Mycorrhiza text showing Cityscape as the sun is going down. You see a train pass by every now and then Walking Fish drawing with the word Aegi next to it Square banner that says Nora Codes on it theworksofegan

Misc Buttons

Digital image that says 'Get a Computer' with a picture of an old 90s computer setup Alternating text that says 'tested on firefox' with the Mozilla firefox logo (an image of a fox with a tail made of fire in a circle). text that says Website League
