Dune is based on the book Dune by Frank Herbert. Honestly a phenomenal book to read and I highly recommend it. The board game plays very similarly to the vibe of the story. You will play as one of six factions (in the base game) and your goal is to control at least 3 strongholds on the planet of Dune. Throughout the game, you'll be moving troops, fighting over resources and territories, and making deals with other players. Read More

The Seaerch for Planet X
The Search for Planet X is a board game that is about finding Planet X. You play on a round board divided into sectors. Your goal is to discover where Planet X is, based on information you or other players discover. As you play the game, you discover certain "Rules" about the system you're working in. So, for example, you might learn that "There are no gas clouds within 1 space of a comet". In order to win, you must figure out which sector Planet X is in, as well as what is in the two sectors adjacent to it. Read More