Photo Samples

All of my work can be found on Flickr

3 hiking backpacks on top of a rock a woman in a hoodie sitting on a rock while overlooking green mountains in the distance A man with long hair and a beard holding a Twisted Tea Hard Iced Tea can to his face while staring at the camera a woman in a white dress and long hair sitting on a stone while looking out over a lake a man in a blue and blakc winter coat and red hat doing the praise the sun pose from Dark Souls. this looks like making a Y shape. He is facing away from the camera, looking towards some trees in the distance a woman dipping a single toe into water along a rocky lake shore a man hanging out of an apple tree by one arm. He's wearing sunglasses and looking off to the right Two men standing atop a rock with nothing but the sky behind them. one looks towards the camera, the other points off to the right where they are looking A super close up of a hand holding an apple, pointing the top towards the camera. There is a ladybug near the stem a man sitting on the end of a pier, looking out over some partially frozen water and dry tall grass a man standing at the end of a pier looking over some partially frozen water and dry tall grass A woman in sunglasses making the peace sign with one hand, and holding a bag of apples in the other

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