Sam and Zakiah's Wedding!

Originally Posted: 9/15/24

Event Date: 9/14/24

Photo of Groom Sam and Bride Zakiah cutting their cake in the center of a dance floor. Zakiah is looking up at Sam while Sam is looking at the knife as they cut into a Green cake.

Another wedding down! This Wedding was sort of the last big thing planned for our summer and it was a great way to end out the season! The location was gorgeous, the weather was beautiful, and it was a hell of a fun time! Sam and I went to Middle and High School together, though I really got to know him after High School. It was great getting to see him and Zakiah get married!

This post is mostly going to just be photos from the wedding, but I'll try to add comments where I can!


photo of a man (The groom, Sam) in a black tux walking towards the camera. He's outside in a parking lot, with a white building behind him. photo of a man (the groom, Sam) and a woman (Michelle) walking towards the camera, but the camera is off to the side a bit. The man is looking at the camera while brushing his soldier, while the woman is faced away from the photo. The man is in a black tux and the woman in a green flowy dress photo of Michelle inside with a lot of tables set up for the wedding. She's standing and has a green flowy dress on Photo of a man (The Groom, Sam) carrying a small camcorder on a tripod Photo of Sam setting up the camcorder. He is on a green golf field, with some trees in the background
photo of a camcroder on a tripod on a green golf field with a golfcart next to it

I don't know if I have a photo of it, but the actual ceremony was in the direction the camcorder in this photo is facing. There were a few rows of white chairs facing a pond. They had a lovely arch they stood in front of for the ceremony.

I only noticed this after the fact, but in a lot of the photos I look unhappy, but I swear I was having a fantastic time.

Photo of myself (a man with a beard) taking a selfie in a mirror. I'm wearing a dark blue blazer, light blue under shirt, and a green and yellow striped tie
Photo of a woman (Michelle) and a man (Dane) sitting in white folding chairs on a golf field. The woman and man are both smiling at the camera. The woman is holding a Nikon d3200 digital camera

Sort of funny coincidence here, the camera Michelle is holding here is Zakiah's (The Brides) camera which is a Nikon D3200. I have the exact same camera! Though these photos are taken on the Camp Snap Camera

Photo of a man (The Groom, Sam) and a woman (The Bride, Zakiah) standing in between some rows of trees on a green spot of trash. The woman is holding a bouquet  of flowers and the man is looking at the woman. The woman is an off white dress with a veil hanging behind her head. Photo of Me, Michelle, and our friend Dane at one of the tables inside during dinner. Michelle is sticking her tongue out towards me. The photo is taken as a selfie Photo of myself and Michelle while sitting at the dinner table. We have our arms around each other Photo of Sam and Zakiah (the Groom and Bride) at their table during dinner. Both are looking at the camera with Zakiah making a bit of a funny face
Photo of a dad dancing with his daughter on the dance floor. He is in the middle of picking her up and spinning around with her while her feet are off the ground. The daughter I estimate to be somewhere between 7-10

This father (I assume) spent a lot of the night dancing with his daughter (I assume?). It was really fun to watch as he'd lift her up, spin her around, slide her through his legs, etc. I hope if I'm a parent one day I can dance that much with my kids.

photo of a lot of people on the dance floor, but primarily the Bride (Zakiah) dancing with one of her cousins I believe photo of Michelle giving the peace sign while inside. She has a cocktail in her other hand photo of a lot of people dancing on the dance floor, but primarily the bride and groom, Zakiah and Sam. Sam has his arms around Zakiah's waist and they're staring into each others eyes photo of a lot of people on the dance floor. Notably Sam and Zakiah, but also the dad and the daughter from earlier, this time the dad is lifting the daughter up with his hands around her waist. photo of a lot of people on the dance floor. Notably Sam and Zakiah, but also the dad and daughter from earlier, this time he's holding her while she does a dip backwards Photo of the bride Zakiah bumping booties with her maid of honor on the dance floor Photo of Michelle on the dance floor with Dane giving him a hug. There is another woman and man on the dance floor in the middle of dancing. Also, the girl who's about 7-10 years old is in the middle of a cartwheel
Photo of a bunch of people on the dance floor, with their hands up in the air

One thing about Michelle is she absolutely loves dancing! She spent most of the night on the dance floor, as well as dragging other people onto the dance floor with her.

Photo of the bride and groom, Zakiah and Sam, cutting their wedding cake. It's a green cake and they're cutting it on a table in the middle of the dance floor. Zakiah has her hand over Sams as they cut into the cake. Photo of Groom Sam and Bride Zakiah cutting their cake in the center of a dance floor. Zakiah is looking up at Sam while Sam is looking at the knife as they cut into a Green cake. Photo of the bride, Zakiah, half looking behind her getting ready to toss her bouquet  of flowers. Behind her on the dance floor are all the unmarried women that were at the wedding
A blurry photo of the bouquet  of flowers mid air as Zakiah (the Bride) throws them behind her. You can see a bunch of women reaching for the flowers

Sort of hard to see, but here's a shot of the bouquet mid air. The little girl up front ended up catching it!

photo of the Groom, Sam, towards the end of the night smiling towards the camera. You can see Dane half cut off from the camera smiling at Sam
photo of the Bride (Zakiah) sitting down at a table next to another woman (Mercedes). Zakiah is smiling at Mercedes while Mercedes looks like she's mid laugh

Kind of cool story here, this is one of Zakiah's friends and they've known each other since Middle School! It's always really cool seeing friendships that go for that long.

Wrap Up

Congrats to both Sam and Zakiah, and I hope the best for you going forward!