Tanner's Bachelor Party

Originally Posted 7/10/24

Event Date 5/17/24-5/19/24

From left to right, Steven, Ben, Aiden, Tanner, Dylan, and Skyler standing in front of a fountain in NYC. A white building can be seen behind them

My friend had a bachelor party! This is the first wedding party I've been in, and it was a lot of fun! A bit of background, I've known this friend since about 1st grade (we're 28 now), and so it felt awesome getting to see one of my closest childhood friends get to celebrate the fact he's almost married! The wedding is actually in a few days at time of writing, and so I wanted to get this out first! Going to largely be a post filled with pictures, which I took with my Camp Snap Camera.

To begin the trip, I had headed down the night before to be in our home town. One of the other groomsmen Ben rode down with my friend Tanner (the groom), who then picked me up before heading to his parents house to pick up his brother and best man Skyler. This first photo is Ben as we're waiting for Skyler to get back from running some errands!

a man with long hair in long pants and a long sweatshirt sitting on a back porch petting a pitbull looking dog. The dog is mostly white with some brown near it's rear. There is a field behind where the man is sitting, with a trampoline in the background.

Next up, Skyler arriving home from some errands!

a man in a tshirt wearing some long necklaces approaching a locked fence gate to get onto a back porch, with a pitbull looking dog waiting to greet him at the gate. The dog is mostly white with some brown spots

From there, the 4 of us headed to an amazing diner called the Eveready. It's a fantastic diner, and I try to eat there whenever I visit home. I really miss the good food from the area I grew up in.

Three men, two facing away from camera another facing towards the camera, heading to a retro looking building that says Diner. The building is largely silver and Red

After that we grabbed the train and headed for NYC! Funnily enough, Skyler ran into one of his friends on the train.

Picture looking down a train aisle. There are three men visibile in the foreground. Tanner the Groom is in the left of the photo in the front seat, with Skyler and his friend in the row behind him.

This is a sort of cool shot of Tanner looking at another passing train as we were underground getting close to Grand Central, followed by a photo of Grand Central itself:

Picture of Tanner looking out of a train window to another passing train. The words 'Metro' can be roughly made out Picture of a lot of people inside of Grand Central. An American flag can be seen in the distance.

At Grand Central we met up with the rest of the wedding party who live in NYC - Dylan and Aiden! They guided us to our hotel for the weekend so we could drop our stuff off, and then we started to explore the city!

A photo from behind 4 men walking the streets of New York City. They're near an intersection, and they can be seen talking amonst each other

Our main goal of the night was visiting a Barcade! I don't really have any photos of the Barcade itself because it was sort of dark, and I was more just enjoying it, but it was a hell of a time! Also very affordable - I was a bit worried about the pricing of everything given it's NYC, but honestly it was great. And the food was phenomenal! I just had some chicken tenders and fries at the barcade, but it was better than almost any of the chicken tenders and fries I've had here in VT!

After the Barcade, we headed out for a Korean Barbecue place I believe (it's been a hot minute). Here's our group looking at the menu outside:

4 men (Skyler, Ben, Aiden, Dylan from left to right) looking at an illuminated menu outside of a restaurant in New York City. It is night time, and they are near an intersection.

After dinner, and walking around the city some more, we headed back for the hotel. I'm not used to walking around so much anymore, so we ended up getting the subway back:

4 men (Aiden, Ben, Skyler, Tanner from left to right) waiting at a subway stop. Skykler is on his phone 5 men (Dylan, Aiden, Ben, Skyler Tanner from left to right) waiting at a subway stop. Tanner is half cut out of the frame

The next morning we slept in and then headed out for breakfast. The place we were at was really cute and ended up having some great food! I don't quite remember its name unfortunately:

A shot of two men (Ben and Tanner) at a table outside. The table has a couple of glasses of a bright yellow drink. In the background you can see more people at other tables, as well as advertisements on the sides of buildings

We made our way to a museum, which ended up being way too crowded for us, so ended up walking around NYC some more. Here are some photos either on the way to the museum, or near it:

Two men (Skyler and Aiden from left to right) laughing while crossing a NYC street. A yellow taxi can be seen across the street, as well as a park From left to right, Steven, Ben, Aiden, Tanner, Dylan, and Skyler standing in front of a fountain in NYC. A white building can be seen behind them

And the last few photos I want to share are from getting Shake Shack! I had never been there before but it was phenomenal!

A photo from inside a restaurant, with Dylan holding a number 27 order stand thing. Skyler is holding one that is labeled 65, and someone is holding one labeled 77 A photo from inside a restaurant, with Skyler looking off camera and Tanner holding a number 47 order stand thing. People can be seen behind Tanner in another area

After that, we headed back to the hotel for a bit and rested. The rest of the group ended up going back out that night, but I stayed in because my legs and feet were killing me at that point. The next day we headed home, and all went our separate ways. It was great getting to see everyone though, and celebrate Tanner's coming wedding! I haven't seen a lot of these guys in a couple of years, so it was great getting to all hang out in person again!