We Have To

We have to run this building full of computers nonstop to solve made up math equations to generate strings of information that we can pretend are units of a currency which by all reasonable measures does not exist and cannot be exchanged for goods in any store but that some people will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to own on the off chance that it one day does exist or at least is worth more than they paid for it.
We have to.
We have to send people back to work to breathe a life-shortening virus that we still don't fully understand even though we have more than enough means to protect people.
We have to deny people life-saving medical care because they can't afford it.
We have to keep wages low.
We have to keep raising rents.
We have to take most of your money every year so that a billionaire doesn't have to go without.
We have to spend your money on a genocide.
We have to hand the government over to fascists peacefully.
We have to pretend everything is fine.
Our hand has been forced.
There's nothing we can do.
Our options are limited.
This is all set in stone.
Things just happen.
It's always been this way.
We have to.