For the Love of God, Make Your Own Website

Posted: 11/30/24
gift link! Gita Jackson has a lovely article simply and emphatically advocating for you to go make a website. a bit ironic that i am posting it here instead of my own site, but that's what i like bear for: posting quickly. go make a website! (and use yours more than i use my own!)

Munchin and Musing
Posted: 12/3/24
Unsurprisingly, I agree with the article whatnames is referring to. I think the Internet becomes a more interesting place as people move away from just sharing on social media, and onto creating their own websites. Create their own corner of the internet, where they can make it look however they like, and post whatever they like.
I always sort of go back and forth on my thoughts with social media. It's tough, of course, because I think there are hurdles that most people won't want to get over with making their own website. Learning HTML/CSS one of them, but also things like knowing where to host a site. By comparison, it's really easy to post on social media once you have an account. So while I hate what most social media has become, it also allows a lot more people to engage online.