Miscellaneous Articles

photo of a sign that says 'Answers 1 km' with an arrow pointing off to the right

Blog Questions Challenge

A Bunch of questions about blogging Read More

photo of 3 people smiling with a forest waterfall behind them. I'm on the left in the blue, Fez in the middle, Zach on the right.

Building Community

Trying to build connections Read More

image of the daylio app logo, which is a green square with a smiley face smiling on top of it


Daylio is a journal-ing app that will also give you statistics based on the information you provide it. I find it really interesting to go back and look at how a month has been, or how something has been affecting my mood. I'm going to go into more detail below, but I do have the paid version, and I forget what's in the base vs paid version of the app.. Read More

An image that says 'The Evolution of Trust. Playing time: 30 min. By Nicky Case, july 2017' in the center. Around it, are a lot of human drawings, slightly more detailed than stick figures, connected with lines

The Evolution of Trust

In which we talk about the Evolution of Trust, and the Prisoner's Dilemma Read More

image of a snow capped mountain and on the way up to the top there are the following words going up the slope. Starting from the bottom and going to the top - Hungry, determined, the point of life is to get up there. At the peak we see 'I did it', and then at the other side of the peak, going slightly down the mountain, we see 'What exactly is the point'.

Problem Solving and The Point

I watched Hank Green's video "What I Learned from the Weirdest Day of My Life" and I want to talk about it. Read More

Photo of a sign that says 'Polling Station' with an arrow pointing off to the left

Ranked Choice Voting

A Better Voting System Read More

a colorful drawing of a person looking at a book while the letters fall off the pages

Reading and College

I'm writing this post because I just read this article called "Is This the End of Reading?" by Beth McMurtrie, and had a lot of thoughts. I'll mostly be using quotes from the article to launch into points I'd like to talk about. Read More

image of the webtoon logo. A green block like symbol with web toon written in white inside of it

Webcomics I Follow via RSS Feed

I know for me Cohost has become the main site I end up on. Unfortunately I don't really have any good website recommendations, but since Twitter has been going under I've added a bunch of Webcomic creators to an RSS Feed Reader that I self host FreshRSS. So I figured I'd share those in case anyone is looking for more webcomics. Read More

image of person typing on a computer

Why Blogging?

So, I feel like the first thing to talk about is why I added a blogging section to my website. In part, it's because I've largely transitioned out of working in media, so I'm not sure I need to keep this website as a way to show off my work. Another reason is lately I've been busy with working a lot and haven't had the time to do some of the other things I want. Blogging seems like a relatively easy thing to do, while still letting me express my thoughts. Read More

photo of a sign that says 'Answers 1 km' with an arrow pointing off to the right
Blog Questions Challenge

photo of 3 people smiling with a forest waterfall behind them. I'm on the left in the blue, Fez in the middle, Zach on the right.
Building Community

image of the daylio app logo, which is a green square with a smiley face smiling on top of it


An image that says 'The Evolution of Trust. Playing time: 30 min. By Nicky Case, july 2017' in the center. Around it, are a lot of human drawings, slightly more detailed than stick figures, connected with lines
The Evolution of Trust

image of a snow capped mountain and on the way up to the top there are the following words going up the slope. Starting from the bottom and going to the top - Hungry, determined, the point of life is to get up there. At the peak we see 'I did it', and then at the other side of the peak, going slightly down the mountain, we see 'What exactly is the point'.

Problem Solving and The Point

Photo of a sign that says 'Polling Station' with an arrow pointing off to the left

Ranked Choice Voting

a colorful drawing of a person looking at a book while the letters fall off the pages Reading and College

image of the webtoon logo. A green block like symbol with web toon written in white inside of it

Webcomics I Follow via RSS Feed

image of person typing on a computer Why Blogging?