Book/Reading Articles

A lithograph of a bunch of big machine parts in a warehouse

The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster

The machine is where all humans live, and all humans have their needs met. Everything you could want is brought to you. Everything you need is brought to you. You can talk to your friends and interact with them, without ever needing to leave your room. So why would you? Read More

Digital drawing of what looks like an old fashioned postcard that says 'Omelas, not simple folk, just happy! Horse Parades, eh-haa eh-haa, live music, bring the kids!' There is a photo of an old timey family looking like they're going on vacation, with the background being a street intersection. Image originally found here: which credits a J.R. Bolt as the creator.

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K LeGuin

This short story talks about the worlds more perfect city, and its dark secret. Read More

image of the the cover for Out of the Woods. It shows a man in a green tshirt and brownish gray pants helping a woman with red hair, pink striped shirt, and green pants walk along a log in the woods. The two are hiking in the woods.

Out of the Woods by Hannah Bonam-Young

Good overall, not sure I'd read again Read More

2 rectangles standing completely vertical atop a thinner rectangle laying horiztonally. There is a third, thicker rectangle leaning against the first two vertical rectangles. All together, it looks like books on a bookshelf.

The StoryGraph

The StoryGraph is a great alternative to GoodReads which allows you to track you reading! Read More

The cover of the book. It features a cartoonish drawing of the auther Nick Offerman in front of a background of trees, mountains, a lake, and the sun. There's also a bird flying in the air. Nick Offerman is wearing a red plaid shirt, and has greyish hair and full beard with mustache.

Where the Deer and the Antelope Play by Nick Offerman

Where the Deer and the Antelope Play" by Nick Offerman is a book in which Offerman is telling about some of his hiking, camping, and general adventures in life. Along the way, he ponders about both nature and society, and our place in both. Read more

Digital drawing of what looks like an old fashioned postcard that says 'Omelas, not simple folk, just happy! Horse Parades, eh-haa eh-haa, live music, bring the kids!' There is a photo of an old timey family looking like they're going on vacation, with the background being a street intersection. Image originally found here: which credits a J.R. Bolt as the creator.

Why Don't We Just Kill the Kid in the Omelas Hole by Isabel J. Kim

Why not just kill the Kid in the Omelas hole, and get this whole thing over with? Read more

A lithograph of a bunch of big machine parts in a warehouse The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster

Digital drawing of what looks like an old fashioned postcard that says 'Omelas, not simple folk, just happy! Horse Parades, eh-haa eh-haa, live music, bring the kids!' There is a photo of an old timey family looking like they're going on vacation, with the background being a street intersection. Image originally found here: which credits a J.R. Bolt as the creator.
The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K LeGuin

image of the the cover for Out of the Woods. It shows a man in a green tshirt and brownish gray pants helping a woman with red hair, pink striped shirt, and green pants walk along a log in the woods. The two are hiking in the woods.
Out of the Woods by Hannah Bonam-Young

2 rectangles standing completely vertical atop a thinner rectangle laying horiztonally. There is a third, thicker rectangle leaning against the first two vertical rectangles. All together, it looks like books on a bookshelf. The StoryGraph

The cover of the book. It features a cartoonish drawing of the auther Nick Offerman in front of a background of trees, mountains, a lake, and the sun. There's also a bird flying in the air. Nick Offerman is wearing a red plaid shirt, and has greyish hair and full beard with mustache. Where the Deer and the Antelople Play by Nick Offerman

Digital drawing of what looks like an old fashioned postcard that says 'Omelas, not simple folk, just happy! Horse Parades, eh-haa eh-haa, live music, bring the kids!' There is a photo of an old timey family looking like they're going on vacation, with the background being a street intersection. Image originally found here: which credits a J.R. Bolt as the creator.
Why Don't We Just Kill the Kid in the Omelas Hole by Isabel J. Kim