About Me

- Name: Steven
- SCA Name: Moose
- Callsign: KC1VUi
- Favorite Game: Life is Strange
- Listening To: Check it out on Cool Stuff
- Find me on:
- Brief Intro: Hey all! My name is Steven and as you can probably tell from this site, I'm into a variety of different things. Currently I work in IT and I'm slowly trying to learn more about technology to progress my career.
I've had a website for years, originally as basically a resume. In the last year or two, I've since made the site into a place where I can try to talk about tech things (or other interests), and explain them to others. I've always wanted to teach, so it's fun for me trying to think up of ways to explain tech things to folks.
I'm always looking for suggestions though! If there's something you'd like explained, or if you just have any comments in general, feel free to leave them below!
Contact Information
If you'd like to reach out with questions, comments, concerns, website issues, or anything really, reach out to me at steventanzimedia@gmail.com